Gulf Western products are 100% Australian made and come with a seal of quality guarantee. All products are manufactured under an ISO 9001 quality endorsed management system.

Please note: Many Gulf Western products can be used for various purposes and amongst different applications, so if you are unsure, please contact us on our free hotline number 1800 248 919 for technical advice.

TORQUE OIL 30, 50 & 60



IBC – 30045B | 205L – 30045 | 20L – 32045

IBC – 30046B | 205L – 30046 | 20L – 32046

IBC – 60045B | 205L – 60045 | 20L – 62045


TORQUE oil l is a monograde Caterpillar TO-4 performance drive train fluid. The frictional performance of TORQUE oil is superior to TO-2 approved fluids.

TORQUE oil 30 has been designed to extend the life and performance of all Caterpillar transmissions and hydraulic systems as well as those of Komatsu drive trains. TORQUE oil 30 also meets the Allison C4 requirements.

TORQUE Oil 50 has been designed to extend the life and performance of Transmissions, Differentials and Final drives specifying an SAE 50 of TO-4 performance and is also suitable for Road Ranger Transmissions. TORQUE oil is available in SAE grades 30, 50 and 60.


API CF GL-3, Caterpillar T0-4, Torque Oil 30 meets the requirements of Allison C4 and Komatsu, Torque Oil 50 is also suitable for Road Ranger Transmissions.